There's xdg-screensaver too, but it's apparently quite insecure, and basically falls back to xscreensver under Xfce anyway. desktop autostart file, and I guess xscreensaver doesn't, but they could be shipped by Xfce, disabled by default, and user only has to choose which one he wants. I don't know if gnome-screensaver already ship a. The thing is, autostarted applications are way easier to edit than xinitrc, for the end-user. > that can be programmed to use the daemon that is already running.) > should affect to all users? (Locking could be done by using the xflock4 script, Do you think the selection of screensaver to use > If a customized xinitrc is used under user's home directory, it affects only to But I don't think this corner case should affect all > If an user want to *lock* the screen he has to make sure the screensaver is Which is not a screensaver but a locker, with no daemon running.Ĭomment 23 Yves-Alexis Perez 10:27:09 CET (In reply to comment #22) It'll start by trying to activate gnome-screensaver, then xscreensaver, and if none of them are present, try to run xlock. Xflock4 is just a wrapper to lock the screen. (One way to do it would be to put them both in a same script.) > applications': If user wants to run also xflock4 there*, the former should be > One thing to keep in mind, if screensaver is started in 'autostarted > True in that it is not xscreensaver's fault that it is not called after resume. > Whether or not you've had a problem with it is irrelevant to whether or not the I do that on my own boxes, where I replace this in xflock4. Oh, and “forcing” -mode blank for xlock seems to be secure for me.
There's a patch lying around in bugzilla for making xflock4 activate the *running* screensaver, btw. xinitrc and xflock4 both run gnome-screensaver *first* if it's installed. Xfce already “supports” gnome-screensaver. > Frankly, I don't want Xfce to support anything but xscreensaver out of the box. less long, maybe we should just accept the $DISABLE_SCREENSAVER patch for now, and punt a good solution to 4.8.Ĭomment 13 Yves-Alexis Perez 06:59:14 CET (In reply to comment #9) Of course, I currently have about 4 unfinished new projects, 3 or 4 modules I maintain (and am behind on bug fixes and enhancements for), so somebody else is gonna have to step up here.

This also needs cooperation from xfce4-session, and I'm not sure anyone besides Benny would know the codebase enough to handle that without a lot of work. desktop files that define the avail applications, and only show those that are actually installed (and allow the user/distros to easily add other options). So we could have options for WM (xfwm4, compiz(-fusion), metacity, kwin), desktop/file management (xfdesktop+Thunar, nautilus, ROX), panel (xfce4-panel, gnome-panel, pypanel), screensaver (gnome-screensaver, xscreensaver, xlock only). This is just further cause for a "preferred desktop apps" framework to complement the preferred apps stuff in libexo. For people running GDM and gnome-screensaver (maybe for the switch user functionality), it would be nice to have an easy way to make that work. I kinda think that screensaver handling in Xfce is just pretty poor in general. Tarricone (not reading bugmail) 22:59:23 CET God, Robby, what are we going to do with you ^_~.