Once in the factory, head forward and climb a ladder to surface behind the boarst sties. If you don’t want to go in guns blazing and didn’t get an ID cartridge from Duncan Elley, this riverside entrance is your best bet. From the restricted area near the front gate head east to reach a river, and once you’re standing in the river turn southwest to find a hatch leading to the factory. If getting one of the previously mentioned ID cartridges didn’t appeal to you, for whatever reason, or if you’re just averse to going through the front door, there’s another way to get into the factory.

Subscribe to Premium to Remove Ads ID Cartridge - The River Entrance ¶ If experience has taught you anything, getting this ID cartridge will make any infiltration attempts much easier, so before we get to actually dealing with this factory, let’s discuss all the ways you can actually infiltrate the factory, including a number of ways of getting ID cartridges.

You’ll also be told that a man named Duncan - who can be found in the adjacent Sublight Dry Goods & Sundry shop - may be able to get you a ID cartridge for the C&P factory. Exhaust her dialogue options on the topic and you’ll find that there are many ways to go about this quest, from stealth to assault, sabotage to assassination. This has allowed Clive Lumbergh, the owner of the last boarst factory on Monarch, to get incredibly wealthy, and Catherine is frankly just sick of paying.

Anyways, food security is an issue in Monarch, and one of the only sources aside from Stellar Bay’s saltuna is boarst-meat. Talk to her and ask “Need a hand for hire?“ to start this quest, which she gives you pretty readily, given you’re a complete stranger. You’ll find Catherine Malin in Malin’s House of Hospitality in Fallbrook.