It is ideal for diagnosing student learning difficulties, intervention, remedial programs, and standardized test preparation. The resources included here are a part of the Lumos SkillBuilder and ACT Aspire Practice. Students can practice the new item types and get instant feedback along with diagnostic reports. Mathematics Practice Test MATHEMATICS PRACTICE TEST PRACTICE QUESTIONS Here are some practice examples to show you what the questions on the real test are like. Check Out Mometrixs ACT Printed Study Guide. Hundreds of grade-specific questions in Math and English Language Arts Literacy are designed to familiarize students with the state-adopted content standards and new item types included in the ACT assessments of 2021 - 2022. This page will feature information regarding the ACT Mathematics exam. Lumos ACT Aspire Assessment Practice resources were developed by expert teachers for students in Grades 2 through High School. The problem asks you to find f ( g (20)).

Work from inside the parentheses out (thats easy because youre used to working this way under the standard order of operations). This one combines two functions, which means you have to perform two substitutions. At the end of the practice session, you will receive a detailed test result which includes Standards Proficiency Report and additional practice on each standard. Functions are really just fancy substitution problems. You can also prepare your math skill by reviewing the questions with solution.
Start your ACT Aspire student assessment practice to brush up on your skills with standards aligned questions. ACT Math Practice Test 1 (60 Question Full Test OR Download PDF): Students can either download free printable ACT Math practice test question answers or participate in the full-length online test with 60 minutes time limit. Available for Math and English Language Arts. Access your online test bank, practice with real ACT math questions. Alternate format practice test - Schools may order free alternate format practice tests by completing and mailing this form Online Practice Tests - Click. You will have 60 minutes to complete the ACT Mathematics Test. The Official ACT Prep Guide is the only study guide written by the makers of the ACT. FREE 2021 - 2022 ACT Aspire practice tests and sample questions for grades 2 to 8 and High School. Home > ACT Test > ACT Math > The ACT Mathematics Test is designed to test your ability to reason mathematically, to understand basic mathematical terminology, and to recall basic mathematical formulas and principles.